Games Directory

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Sharepoint Designer 2007:How to Change Font Size, Font Color, and Font Style

First of all, go to the “File” menu, select “New” and then “Page”
Write your Website Title here in the Middle of page.

Change the color, size and style of this title by clicking on the “CSS properties” button.

When you click on the  “CSS Properties” button, all the properties of your written line will be shown, where you can make some amendments of your text.

Save it on your Documents.
You can observe these changes in your personal browser.
Automatic Backlinks


In this Software we have very advance tools like new style sheets,new fonts,Accesibility reports,CSS reports,CSS layout,bullets borders and shading,advance buttons,dropdown box and many many more..

In Microsoft Share point designer 2007, Microsoft put the option of “Themes” into the recycle bin…,,,because they extend the usage of CSS STYLE SHEETS
Huge variety OF designing is available in CSS STYLE SHEETS…Now a days, you can observe the latest websites, where you did not find any theme..Here you find only styles and with glowing look, which  have its own charm…:D:D:D
Now I will tell you next how to use CSS STYLE SHEETS how to create a stunning website…So keep visiting….

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